Would Python be suitable for a sports statistics website?

Jeff Sandvik jsandvik at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 00:05:22 EST 2014

Python is definitely suitable for that sort of task.

Django is good for this sort of thing, but I’d also like to mention using Flask (http://flask.pocoo.org), especially if you are a beginner. I use it for some of my work, and you could potentially get your project up and running that much quicker since it is a fairly light-weight web framework. The only thing is you’ll be missing out on some of the more convenient features that Django introduces.

On Jan 30, 2014, at 8:53 PM, britt.jonathan89 at gmail.com wrote:

> First off I wanted to apologize for the lack of specificity in my subject title. I am a relative newbie to programming and need some advice. I tried StackOverflow but was sort of turned away for not having code in my post. 
> I have been assigned by an internship with my university's athletic department, to create a statistics website to be used by sports media during games. What this means is that the statistics are generated by a stats computer into an XML file and I am wanting to parse this XML file and place it on the web quickly. Not necessarily in real-time but in a matter of a couple of seconds. I'd like to make a clean, simple website to start off with that displays these statistics. 
> I've been playing around with Javascript and jQuery and as a beginning programmer have really been in over my head. What I want to do is start completely over and actually try to learn a language before diving in. 
> My question is, would Python be a suitable language for developing a website / web application that performs these tasks? I've been researching Python and it is the language I am most interested in learning. I've been messing around with IDLE and have really enjoyed the syntax. I've also been reading about Django / Tornado etc. Thank you all so much for your time. 
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