Can post a code but afraid of plagiarism

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Jan 20 16:56:29 EST 2014

On 1/20/2014 9:08 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

> That's a little harsh.  Working in groups, and sharing code, are
> important parts of how software gets developed today.  Those
> collaborative work habits should indeed be taught.

Until recently, teaching collaboration through group projects has had 
the problem of leeching. Asking group members to grade each other's 
participation and contributions does not work too well. My daughter ran 
into this problem in her first programming class where 
private-until-done 'group' work was too much her work. In her second 
class, there was discussion of each other's coding problems *in the 
class*, in front of the teacher, and she enjoyed that much more.

It is now possible to run collaboration through software that records 
interaction. My daughter took a composition class where discussion and 
review of each other's work was recorded and contributed to each 
person's grade. But this was not collaborative writing, which would be 
another level of interaction, and one which is common beyond college 

A programming class (probably best after the first) could use a real 
(meaning, used outside of classes) repository and tracker. *That* would 
better prepare people for later work, whether on a job or as an 
open-source volunteer.

Terry Jan Reedy

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