How to write this as a list comprehension?

Piet van Oostrum piet at
Fri Jan 17 18:19:55 EST 2014


I am looking for an elegant way to write the following code as a list

labels = []
for then, name in mylist:
    _, mn, dy, _, _, _, wd, _, _ = localtime(then)
    labels.append(somefunc(mn, day, wd, name))

So mylist is a list of tuples, the first member of the tuple is a time
(as epoch offset) and I neeed to apply a function on some fields of the
localtime of it.

I could define a auxiliary function like:

def auxfunc(then, name):
    _, mn, dy, _, _, _, wd, _, _ = localtime(then)
    return somefunc(mn, day, wd, name)

and then use 
[auxfunc(then, name) for then, name in mylist]

or even
[auxfunc(*tup) for tup in mylist]

But defining the auxfunc takes away the elegance of a list comprehension. I would like to integrate the unpacking of localtime() and calling somefunc within the list comprehension, but I don't see a simple way to do that.

somefunc(mn, day, wd, name) for _, mn, dy, _, _, _, wd, _, _ in [localtime(then)] 
(i.e. using a list comprehension on a one element list to do the variable shuffling) 
works but I don't find that very elegant.

labels = [somefunc(mn, day, wd, name) 
            for then, name in mylist
            for _, mn, dy, _, _, _, wd, _, _ in [localtime(then)]]

Python misses a 'where' or 'let'-like construction as in Haskell.

Anybody has a more elegant solution?
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
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