Python glob and raw string

Xaxa Urtiz urtizvereaxaxa at
Thu Jan 16 11:49:57 EST 2014

Hello everybody, i've got a little problem, i've made a script which look after some files in some directory, typically my folder are organized like this :

so basically in the share i've got some folder (=folder1,folder2.....) and inside these folder i've got these folder whose name is the date (20131201,20131202,20131203 etc...) and inside them i want to find all the xml files.
So, what i've done is to iterate over all the folder1/2/3 that i want and look, for each one, the xml file with that:

for f in glob.glob(dir +r"\20140115\*.xml"):
->yield f

dir is the folder1/2/3 everything is ok but i want to do something like that :

for i in range(10,16):
->for f in glob.glob(dir +r"\201401{0}\*.xml".format(i)):
-->yield f

but the glob does not find any file.... (and of course there is some xml and the old way found them...) 
Any help would be appreciate :) 

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