install and compile errors

David dvkeeney at
Tue Jan 14 15:26:55 EST 2014

How does a setup script conditionally change what modules are installed based on version?


  I have a python2.x/3.x module that puts 3.3-only code in submodules.  When the module imports those submodules using an older python version, the compiler raises SyntaxErrors in the submodule which show as import errors in the module, get caught and ignored.  The features in the submodule won't be available, but they wont stop the module from functioning.  The problem syntax to be masked is the 'yield from' expression.


  Thie above works, resulting in a functioning module under a range of python versions, but older versions want to compile all .py modules as part of install, and that produces ugly install messages, with stack-traces.  I would like to avoid the ugliness.

  I can add python code to, before the setup(...) call, but it is unclear what will be available to that code, at that time.  I can test for whether is being run in install mode using "if 'install' in sys.argv:", and delete the offending .py submodules, but can I assume that the dir holding is the current dir during install?  Does the MANIFEST need to be altered, also, to match the changed file collection?

Alternatively, I could alter the to add 'prune..' statements, but is that file even used as part of install?

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