With this artifact, everyone can easily invent new languages

Simeon Chaos simeon.chaos at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 00:43:02 EST 2014

Yes, it's complex to design a new language. So don't let the tool stand in the way. There is a saying: Grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood.

在 2014年1月11日星期六UTC+8上午10时17分33秒,Chris Angelico写道:
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Simeon Chaos wrote:
> > All along, the design of programming languages is a complex task. Because we need to understand the esoteric compiler theory and technology, and one of the most critical and very difficult part is to define the rules of the new language and to parse with them.To solve this problem, there have been many theories , techniques and tools . These tools can be roughly divided into two categories: one is parser generator, another is to write the parser by hand with or without a parser library.
> >
> No tool will change the fact that the *design* of a language is a
> complex task. Long before you get to implementing anything, you have
> to decide what your language will look like, what its special features
> are, how it distinguishes one thing from another, etc etc etc. That
> work won't change based on the tool you use - or rather, if it DOES
> change, it's because the tool is too restrictive. First write some
> code in your new language, then and only then work out how to
> implement an interpreter/compiler. The first part of the job is pretty
> complex (and extremely important), and tools don't come into play till
> the second.
> ChrisA

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