"More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3"

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 18:02:05 EST 2014

On 06/01/2014 22:41, Nicholas Cole wrote:
> I hardly know which of the various threads on this topic to reply to!
> No one is taking Python 2.7 away from anyone.  It is going to be on the
> net for years to come.  Goodness! I expect if I wanted to go and
> download Python 1.5 I could find it easily enough.
> Like everyone else, when Python 3 came out I was nervous.  A lot of my
> code broke - but it broke for a good reason.  I had been being cavalier
> about strings and ASCII and bytes.  A lot of my code was working by
> accident rather than by design, or because my users had never fed it
> anything that would make it fall over.  Of course, my first reaction was
> a defensive one, but once I had got over that and got my head around
> Python 3's view of the world, I was pleased I had.  I find writing in
> Python 3 leads to more robust code.  I like the way it forces me to do
> the right thing, and I like the way it raises errors if I try to get
> away with something I shouldn't. Going back to Python 2 now feels a bit
> like stepping back to the seductive and permissive hell of PHP in some
> ways!  If I could be sure that I was coding just for me and not having
> to support things still running on Python 2, I would move to Python 3.3
> and not look back.  Except, yes, there are still libraries that haven't
> made the change....blast!
> Python 2.7 is there if your software was written to run on the 2 series.
>   I am sure it will either be distributed with (as default or option)
> major operating systems for some time.  I am totally unpersuaded by the
> argument that 'back porting' more and more into Python 2 will ease the
> transition.  I think it will just use up developer time, and delay
> further the day when releasing new code for Python 3 only becomes not
> only reasonable but the natural and default choice.
> I am really glad to see that at least one distribution of Linux is
> moving to Python 3 as the default.  I'd much rather see developer time
> spent improving Python 3 than managing a transition.
> I realised when Python 3.0 came out that eventually I would have to move
> to Python 3.  I spent the next release in a state of denial.  But I had
> years to get used to it, and I'm glad I have.  It "feels" more robust.
>   Of course, I haven't ported every little program: but no one is
> forcing me too!
> All of these threads are written as if everyone's code is about to be
> broken.  It isn't.  But if you want the new features, you need to make a
> move, and it is probably time to write all new code in Python 3. If
> there's a dependency holding you back, then there will be a Python 2
> interpreter around to run your code.  That all seems pretty reasonable
> and straightforward to me.
> Nicholas

The first sentence from the blog which gives this thread its title "It's 
becoming increasingly harder to have reasonable discussions about the 
differences between Python 2 and 3 because one language is dead and the 
other is actively developed".  Funny really as I see bug fixes going 
into Python 2.7 on a daily basis so I can only assume that their 
definition of dead is different to mine and presumably yours.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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