"More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3"

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Jan 6 15:53:32 EST 2014

On 1/6/2014 10:10 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

> The argument is that a very important, if small, subset a data
> manipulation become very painful in Py3.  Not impossible, and not
> difficult, but painful because the mental model and the contortions
> needed to get things to work don't sync up anymore.

Thank you for a succinct summary. I presume you are referring in part by 
bytes manipulations that would be easier with bytes.format. In
Guido gave approval in principle to a minimal new method a year ago. The 
proponents failed to build on that to get anything in 3.4. Finally, 
however, Viktor Stinner has written a PEP
so something might happen for 3.5.

Terry Jan Reedy

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