Drawing shaded area depending on distance with latitude and altitude coordinate

Isaac Won winefrog at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 15:08:19 EST 2014

I have tried to make a plot of points with longitude and latitude coordinate, and draw shaded area with distance from one point. So, I thought that I could uae contourf function from matplotlibrary. My code is:
    import haversine
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    with open(filin, 'r') as f:
    arrays = [map(float, line.split()) for line in f]
        newa = [[x[1],-x[2]] for x in arrays]

    lat = np.zeros(275)
    lon = np.zeros(275)
    for c in range(0,275):
        lat[c] = newa[c][0]
        lon[c] = newa[c][1]

    with open(filin, 'r') as f:
        arrays = [map(float, line.split()) for line in f]
    newa = [[x[1],-x[2]] for x in arrays]

    lat = np.zeros(275)
    lon = np.zeros(275)
    for c in range(0,275):
        lat[c] = newa[c][0]
        lon[c] = newa[c][1]

    dis = np.zeros(275)

    for c in range(0,275):
        dis[c] = haversine.distance(newa[0],[lat[c],lon[c]])

    dis1 = [[]]*1

    for c in range(0,275):

    cs = plt.contourf(lon,lat,dis1)
    cb = plt.colorbar(cs)


My idea in this code was that I could made a shaded contour by distance from a certain point which was noted as newa[0] in the code. I calculated distances between newa[0] and other points by haversine module which calculate distances with longitudes and latitudes of two points. However, whenever I ran this code, I got the error related to X, Y or Z in contourf such as:
    TypeError: Length of x must be number of columns in z, and length of y must be number of rows.

IF I use meshgrid for X and Y, I also get:
    TypeError: Inputs x and y must be 1D or 2D.

I just need to draw shaded contour with distance from one point on the top of the plot of each point.

If you give any idea or hint, I will really apprecite. Thank you, Isaac

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