Can global variable be passed into Python function?

Roy Smith roy at
Fri Feb 28 22:15:10 EST 2014

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <marko at> wrote:
> A colleague of mine taught me decades back that the whole point of OO
> was the avoidance of if and switch statements. So if your code has an if
> or switch statement, chances are you are doing something wrong.

This sounds like a classic case of a useful observation being taken out 
of context.

On of the standard mantras about OOP is that you should not "use code to 
find code".  By that, they mean, you should not do things like 

if type(obj) == Foo:
else if type(obj_ == Bar:

But rather, you should let the class dispatch machinery handle figuring 
out which version of frobnicate() to call.  That's a reasonable 
statement, but somehow that seems to have gotten twisted into, "If 
you're doing OOP, you should never have any 'if' statements".

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