posting code snippets

Tim Chase python.list at
Thu Feb 27 10:56:06 EST 2014

On 2014-02-27 04:13, Mark H. Harris wrote:
> are there rules here about posting code snippets, or length
> considerations, and so forth? Seems like there was a place to share
> code snips outside of the message area?   

This is the internet, so you're welcome to post code as you please.
However, be aware that

- if it's on an external site, lots of potential respondants will
  shrug with an "I ain't got time for that" or assume that the
  code-pasting site won't keep the content around (possibly making
  answers useless/contextless in a couple years) and skip it

- if it's inline but too long, lots of potential respondants will
  shrug with an "I ain't got time for that" and skip it, or flame you
  for filling their mailbox with junk

People here on the list generally enjoy helping where they can, but
are more likely to do so if you've made it as easy possible.  So
SSCCEs (as Chris & Jerry mentioned) are your best hope of getting a
useful & friendly reply :-)


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