Cannot figure out line of code, also not understanding error

ApathyBear nirchernia at
Thu Feb 20 02:32:43 EST 2014

I have two questions that come along with the following code:


from __future__ import print_function

def sanitize(time):
	if '-' in time:
		splitter = '-'
		(mins,secs) = time.split(splitter, 1)
		return (mins+'.'+secs)
	elif ':' in time:
		splitter = ':'
		(mins,secs) = time.split(splitter, 1)
		return (mins+'.'+secs)
		return time

#start class
class Athlete:
	def __init__(self, a_name, a_dob=None, a_times=[]): = a_name
		self.dob= a_dob
		self.times = a_times

	def top3(self):
		return(sorted(set([sanitize(t) for t in self.times]))[0:3])
#end class	

def get_coach_data(filename):
		with open(filename) as f:
			data = f.readline()
		temp1 = data.strip().split(',')
		return(Athlete(temp1.pop(0),temp1.pop(0), temp1)
	except IOError:
		print ('File error')
		return (None)

james = get_coach_data('james2.txt')

print ( + "'s fastest times are: " + str(james.top3()))

This is the original text file data I am working with called james2.txt located on my desktop:

James Lee,2002-3-14,2-34,3:21,2.34,2.45,3.01,2:01,2:01,3:10,2-22,2-01,2.01,2:16


1. What does this line of code mean:
return(Athlete(temp1.pop(0),temp1.pop(0), temp1)

Is it making an Athlete class? if you can give examples to help explain what this is doing that would be helpful.

2. Why am I getting this error when I try to run the file?
PS C:\Users\N\desktop> python
  File "", line 34
    except IOError:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
PS C:\Users\N\desktop>

What syntax is invalid here?

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