Using virtualenv to bypass sudoer issues

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Feb 7 20:18:02 EST 2014

On 06Feb2014 18:32, Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmichel at> wrote:
> Assuming I have a debian workstation for which I don't have any
> sudo rights, in order to be able to install / remove python packages,
> should I be using virtualenv ? Is it a suited solution ?

It is well suited.

You can also do far simpler (and far smaller setups) like this:

  mkdir -p $HOME/lib/python

and in your environment (eg $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bash_profile) add:


and simply install (copy) packages into that directory.

This is conceptually the same as having a $HOME/bin with commands
or your own in it, etc.

If you're getting your packages from pypi, virutalenv may be easier
to use in the long run.  besides, it lets you make multiple
environments for different flavours of Python (2 vs 3, etc).

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

I just kept it wide-open thinking it would correct itself.
Then I ran out of talent.       - C. Fittipaldi

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