__init__ is the initialiser

Gregory Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Feb 2 18:15:30 EST 2014

Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <52ec84bc$0$29972$c3e8da3$5496439d at news.astraweb.com>,
>  Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.python at pearwood.info> wrote:
>>A dubious analogy, since there are artists who would say that attacking 
>>the canvas with a knife and setting the remains on fire count as a form 
>>of artistic creation :-)
> That's __del__()

But it only works if the canvas is not referenced
anywhere in any art catalogues. Otherwise the
canvas fails to catch fire, and gets put on a
list of list of artworks to be considered for
manual incineration.


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