Advice needed - Choosing appropriate GUI (IDE) and Data Visualization software (3D also)

Ivan Evstegneev webmailgroups at
Fri Dec 19 14:59:46 EST 2014

Hello guys,

Here is a brief description for my question:

I'm currently dealing with my EE B.Sc. final project.
This projects generally relates to the SDN Optical Networks.
One of its goals is to build some GUI framework based on mininet software
Mostly, I'll need expand its capabilities and add some new features for
Layer 1.

As a general concept I need to build something which looks like that:

or that (even better):


When at middle window I'll place my interactive display, which (at initial
state) should look like this one:


I said  'interactive' because it need to be: scalable, zoomable, movable(and
other "able") ^_^
Moreover it actually need to provide access to device properties, for
instance behave (at least) like that one:


Finally I  found this one :


This one looks awesome! ))) This is an interactive model  to which I want to

Furthermore, if this design: 


could be implemented to the above links, this will realize my "wet dream" of
blurry bubbles and shaded backgrounds ))))

Of course, as a EE student I'll tend more to the practical side rather than
design. But still it could be nice to make some good looking product.

In conclusion:

1. For my core GUI(IDE) I'll likely use PythonQt. I've read couple of
reviews , most of them say that this one good for beginners.
    Of cause, if there any other frameworks that worth to consider, and
seems more suitable for beginners, I would be glad to hear for your advice.

Here I need most of your help:

2. The interactive "middle window", unfortunately I have no idea what is a
suitable software for such kind of things.
     For almost a week I delve the NET for possible options, there are
innumerable quantity of Python packages and tools (my Chrome is blown up
     opened tabs), but still don't know what to choose or how to implement
this one. (especially link's #5 model) (Python OpenGL? )

3. For those of you who will  ask: why I don't want to take something
already done before:
My answer will be simple:
   a. Unfortunately I'm not a guru of programming. My programming scope
includes only some C, Matlab, and now Python. 
        For this reason I can't take some modules  from "omninet ++"
software (which actually written in C++) and implement them in my project. 
        Or for instance to use OpenDayLight software modules....
        I know that I will mess up with this and waste a lot of time for
getting it work properly.  (But I'm not whining here ^_^)
   b. I'm short in time (as most of us). I can't afford myself to learn
additional languages (at least at this moment)
   c. My basis software (mininet) is written on Python.
   d. Most of an existing software for SDN deal with Layer 3. So their
models not so suitable for my purposes. I need to redefine a lot of things
and build   
       them from scratch.
   e. In general I think Python can handle all my needs
Any advice will be highly appreciated.






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