encrypt the http request url on the local machine

Peter Pearson pkpearson at nowhere.invalid
Tue Dec 9 12:08:24 EST 2014

On Mon, 8 Dec 2014 22:58:20 -0800 (PST), iMath <redstone-cold at 163.com> wrote:
> my software on the local machine needs to send http request to a
> specific web server , is there any way to protect the http request url
> from being found by Packet analyzer software like Wireshark and
> fiddler. The sever is not mine, so I can do nothing in the server .

This is what Tor (onion routing) is for.  Vaguely speaking ('cause I
don't know much about Tor), you encrypt your entire HTTP request and
send it to a Tor node.  It gets passed around among Tor nodes until an
"exit node" decrypts it and sends it to the destination server.  Be
aware, though, that if the destination server doesn't do HTTPS, the
conversation between it and the Tor exit node is readable by snoops.

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