Proposed new conditional operator: "or else"

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at
Tue Dec 2 19:54:26 EST 2014

Zachary Ware <zachary.ware+pylist at> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Roy Smith <roy at> wrote:
>> Wouldn’t it be neat to write:
>>    foo == 42 or else
>> and have that be an synonym for:
>>     assert foo == 42
>> :-)
> Never going to happen, but I like it!  Perhaps raise IntimidationError
> instead of AssertionError when it fails?

I guess the "or else" statement should do this:

   <condition> or else <threat>

where the statement <threat> is executed if the statement <condition>
evaluates to false.

In absence of an explicit threat

  <condition> or else

it should raise IntimidationError if <condition> evaluates to false false.

If <condition> evaluates to true it should just return <conditon>.


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