Cherrypy - prevent browser "prefetch"?

Israel Brewster israel at
Mon Dec 1 15:28:42 EST 2014

I don't know if this is a cherrypy specific question (although it will be implemented in cherrypy for sure), or more of a general http protocol question, but when using cherrypy to serve a web app, is there anyway to prevent browser prefetch? I'm running to a problem, specifically from Safari on the Mac, where I start to type a URL, and Safari auto-fills the rest of a random URL matching what I started to type, and simultaneously sends a request for that URL to my server, occasionally causing unwanted effects.

For example, I have a URL on my Cherrypy app that updates some local caches. It is accessed at http://<server>/admin/updatecaches So if I start typing http://<server>/a, for example, safari may auto-fill the "dmin/updatecaches", and trigger a cache refresh on the server - even though I was just trying to get to the main admin page at /admin. Or, it might auto-fill "uth/logout" instead (http://<server>/auth/logout), and log me out of my session. While the former may be acceptable (after all, a cache update, even if not strictly needed, is at least non-harmfull), the latter could cause serious issues with usability. So how can cherrypy tell the difference between the "prefetch" and an actual request, and not respond to the prefetch?
Israel Brewster
Systems Analyst II
Ravn Alaska
5245 Airport Industrial Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 450-7293

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