Setting default_factory of defaultdict to key

Tim Chase python.list at
Mon Dec 1 13:25:53 EST 2014

On 2014-12-01 13:05, Larry Martell wrote:
> Is there a way to set the default_factory of defaultdict so that
> accesses to undefined keys get to set to the key?
> i.e. if d['xxx'] were accessed and there was no key 'xxx' then
> d['xxx'] would get set to 'xxx'
> I know I can define a function with lambda for the default_factory,
> but I don't see how to access the key. I tried:
> d = defaultdict(lambda: key)

You could subclass it:

  class MyDefaultDict(defaultdict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
      #self[key] = key  # if you actually want it in the dict
      return key

You might also have to override the __contains__ method to always
return True if you want

  value_not_in_dict = 42
  my_default_dict = MyDefaultDict(int)
  if value_not_in_dict in my_default_dict:

You'd also have weird behaviors with iterators as they'd only ever
iterate over things that were in the dict.


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