odd difference calling function from class or instance variable

GregS not at my.real.address.com
Wed Aug 13 05:06:54 EDT 2014


This is my first post here so please gently inform me of any etiquette 

I'm seeing a behaviour I can't explain with Python 3.4.1 when I call a 
function via a reference stored in an object.

When I assign the reference as a class variable, the reference has 
__self__ set, too, so I get an extra argument passed to the function.  
If I assign the reference as an instance variable, then __self__ is 
unset so no extra argument.

Here's what I mean:

>>> def print_args(*args):
>>> class C:
	ref = None
>>> C.ref = print_args    # assign to class variable
>>> i = C()
>>> i.ref()     # call via class variable - get a 'self' argument passed
(<__main__.C object at 0x1071a05f8>,)
>>> i.ref = print_args   # assign to instance variable
>>> i.ref()     # call via instance variable: no arguments

If you look at i.ref.__self__ for the two cases, you'll see what's 
going on.  I've tried RTFMing but can't find the reason for the two 
behaviours.  Could someone provide an explanation for me, please?



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