
Seymore4Head Seymore4Head at Hotmail.invalid
Sun Aug 3 21:06:58 EDT 2014

I am very new to Python.
Right now I am using two tools.
I am trying the tutorials at which is walking me
through it pretty slow.
The second thing I am doing is using codeskulptor to try out a few
things I have learned at codecademy.

I am getting a mismatch.

The example I am working on is:
from datetime import datetime
now =

current_year = now.year
current_month = now.month
current_day =

Putting that in codeskulptor gets

Line 4: ImportError: No module named datetime

The commands I am used to in codeskulptor is something like
import random
import math
import simplegui
import datetime  <   Changing this to import instead of
from datetime import datetime
still doesn't work.

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