Moving to an OOP model from an classically imperitive one

tim.thelion at tim.thelion at
Wed Apr 23 16:57:09 EDT 2014


I am currently writting a program called subuser(, which is written as classically imperative code.  Subuser is, essentially, a package manager.  It installs and updates programs from repositories.

I have a set of source files which have functions in them.  Each function does something to a program, it identifies the program by the programs name.  For example, I have an installProgram function defined as such:

def installProgram(programName, useCache):

Now I've run into a flaw in this model.  There are certain situations where a "programName" is not a unique identifier. It is possible for two repositories to each have a program with the same name.  Obviously, I could go through my code and replace all use of the string "programName" with a tuple of (programName, repository).  Or I could define a new class with two attributes: programName and repository, and pass such a simple object arround, or pass a dictionary.  However, I think this would be better solved by moving fully to an OOP model.  That is, I would have a SubuserProgram class which had methods such as "install", "describe", "isInstalled"...

There is one problem though.  Currently, I have these functions logically organized into source files, each between 40 and 170 LOC.  I fear that if I were to put all of these functions into one class, than I would have a single, very large source file.  I don't like working with large source files for practicall reasons.  If I am to define the class SubuserProgram in the file, I do not want all <> of to be moved into that file as well.

I thought about keeping each method in a separate file, much as I do now, something like:

def a(self):

def b(self):

import FileA, FileB
class C:

This works, but I find that it is hard to read.  When I come across FileA, and I see "self" it just seems very confusing.  I suffer a bout of "who-am-i"ism.

I asked on IRC and it was sugested that I use multiple classes, however I see no logical way to separate a SubuserProgram object into multiple classes.

So I thought I would seek your advice.


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