random.seed question (not reproducing same sequence)

John Gordon gordon at panix.com
Wed Apr 16 00:32:57 EDT 2014

In <bc918afe-4b20-46c2-ab86-de0ea3c8d456 at googlegroups.com> Nick Mellor <thebalancepro at gmail.com> writes:

> In response to your question, John, all I know is that my own code doesn't
> use the random module outside of this code fragment.

Does addUpdate_special_to_cart() use any random methods?

In any case, a further test would be to strip out all the business logic
and leave only the calls to random, and see if the results still differ.

Something like this:

rnd = random.Random()
for qty in [4, 0]:
    print "qty is %s" % qty
    print "seed is %s" % seed
    for cart in range(test_size):
        print "cart is %s " % cart
        for special in range(rnd.randrange(3)):
            print "special is %s " % special
            print "stockbin is %s" % rnd.randrange(test_size)
            print "special_id is %s" % rnd.randrange(test_size)
            print "products is %s" % [(rnd.choice(PRODUCTS), rnd.choice(range(10))) for r in range(rnd.randrange(7))])

Run that code sample and see if the results differ when qty is 4 vs 0.

John Gordon         Imagine what it must be like for a real medical doctor to
gordon at panix.com    watch 'House', or a real serial killer to watch 'Dexter'.

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