MemoryError in data conversion

dieter dieter at
Mon Apr 14 02:14:07 EDT 2014

Mok-Kong Shen <mok-kong.shen at> writes:

> The code attached below produces in one of the two IMHO similar cases
> (excepting the sizes of the lists involved) MemoryError. Could experts
> kindly tell why that's so and whether there is any work-around feasible.

"MemoryError" means: the Python process wants more memory from the
operating system than this can give.

Your options:

  *  increase the memory resources (RAM, swap space) of your system

  *  check the memory related configuration of your operating system
     (there may be a limit for memory allocated to processes -
     try to increase this)

  *  change your algorithm such that less memory is needed

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