replace only full words

cerr ron.eggler at
Sat Sep 28 12:11:18 EDT 2013


I have a list of sentences and a list of words. Every full word that appears within sentence shall be extended by <WORD> i.e. "I drink in the house." Would become "I <drink> in the <house>." (and not "I <d<rink> in the <house>.")I have attempted it like this:
  for sentence in sentences:
    for noun in nouns:
      if " "+noun+" " in sentence or " "+noun+"?" in sentence or " "+noun+"!" in sentence or " "+noun+"." in sentence:
	sentence = sentence.replace(noun, '<' + noun + '>')

but what if The word is in the beginning of a sentence and I also don't like the approach using defined word terminations. Also, is there a way to make it faster?


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