Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu Sep 26 07:24:57 EDT 2013

On 26/9/2013 06:51, Νίκος wrote:

>>>>> socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ.get('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP') or
>> os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') or  "Άγνωστη Προέλευση" )[0]
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>> socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
>> You are just illustrating your lack of basic understaning.
> I'm surepirsed, becaus eon my domain [superhost.gr] the same lien of 
> code works withnout an error and it display the 'host' fileds properly.
> Perhaps its failing via shell or you do not have a web server installed 
> to prepare the enviromental variables or i dont know what else to hink.
> But in my website this code runs at the probelm with no problem.
In Python 3.3, but not on a web server, I get:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostbyaddr("unknown")[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Question, do you get the same result on your server?  (You can put the
Greek string in place of "unknown" of course)

If so, then the default value makes no sense;  it'll cause an exception
if it's ever used.  If you insist on sticking to expressions (no
try/catch, no if statements), then perhaps you should default to a
string representing a domain which will always exist.


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