Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

Νίκος nikos.gr33k at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 05:31:29 EDT 2013

Στις 26/9/2013 12:07 μμ, ο/η Antoon Pardon έγραψε:
> Experiment and find out for yourself. That is the only way you will
> acquire the experience and understanding you need. Sure we could
> spoon feed you the line you need, but that will only result in you
> using that line without any understanding of what you are doing so
> that if in a few months time something goes wrong, you again will
> have no understanding of what goes on and still will have no clue
> on how to handle a problem.

I have tried code and also provided alternative code to solve my problem 
which also doesn't solve it.

So, you cannot accuse me that i'm not trying, that would be the case to 
just ask for a line without trying anything for myself, which i did twice.

Then i got entirely stuck and i had to ask to get unstuck.

Also when a solution is being provided to me i do not only want to use 
it but want to understand too, so if something similar comes up i will 
be in a position to solve it that time.

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