What minimum should a person know before saying "I know Python"

Schneider js at globe.de
Thu Sep 26 06:16:41 EDT 2013

I would say it's a little bit more:
You have to know the keywords and (basic) concepts, e.g. you really have 
to understand what it means, that everything is a class.
If you get foreign, you have to be able to understand it. And the other 
way round, given a problem, you should be able to write a working solution.


On 09/20/2013 06:23 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:
>> I started Python 4 months ago. Largely self-study with use of Python documentation, stackoverflow and google. I was thinking what is the minimum that I must know before I can say that I know Python?
> Interesting.  I would say that you must know the keywords, how to make
> a Class, how to write a loop.  That covers about 85% of it.

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