Help please, why doesn't it show the next input?

Jugurtha Hadjar jugurtha.hadjar at
Wed Sep 11 05:32:02 EDT 2013

Hello, William

On 09/11/2013 06:39 AM, William Bryant wrote:
  > user_input1 = input(prompt)

I take it you are using Python 3.x . If that's not the case, take a look 
at raw_input().

> def NOS():
>      if user_input1 == "String" or user_input1 == "string" or user_input1 == "STRING" or user_input1 == "s" or user_input1 == "S" or user_input1 == "str":
>          print("a")

What if you create a list containing these, and then you check if the 
user_input is contained in that list. But before that, get the 
lower-case of it so you don't deal with String sTring string, s, S, etc...

Something like this

You add this to the variables you are using section

string_list = ['string', 's']

When you want to check the check

if user_input.lower() in string_list:

>      elif user_input1 == "Number" or user_input1 == "number" or user_input1 == "NUMBER" or user_input1 == "N" or user_input1 == "N" or user_input1 == "int" or user_input1 == "num":
>          print("a")

Same goes with that

But some questions:

1 - Why does the user have to specify that, why doesn't the program 
itself tell if it is a string or a number ? You just give it the data 
and it's up to him to tell.

2 - What is it you are trying to accomplish: Maybe there are shortcuts 
or better ways to do things.

~Jugurtha Hadjar,

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