python REST API access fails after adding date to URL

dieter dieter at
Tue Sep 10 02:15:43 EDT 2013

mahsan9861 at writes:

> So the REST API calls work great with out the URL appended to the URL.However as soon as I do add the URL, because I want to retrieve the data on a daily basis, the calls fail and the server will return a 401 and say signature invalid.

Apparently, you do something wrong with the signing.

It is highly likely that you must append any request parameters (as
a query string) to the url before you determine the signature.

Alternatively, the web service you contact might not expect
a query string and might therefore not consider it when it
recreates the signature. Then, the signature check would fail
as you and the service compute it in a different way.

Check the available documentation for your web service.
Does it support request parameters (query strings). What
does it (or the "oauth" spec) about signature requirements
for those parameters.

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