Conflict between Python 2.5 and 2.7

Errol Anderson errol.anderson at
Tue Sep 3 16:41:57 EDT 2013

I look after a Delphi program that uses Python 2.5 (via Python for Delphi).
A customer who uses a modeling program that requires Python 2.7 experiences
a Python conflict when trying to run the Delphi program.  I have installed
both Python 2.5 and 2.7 on a test-bed computer and can run the Delphi
program.  I have searched the FAQ, and have found some mention of being able
to set a default Python version when installing, which I presume has
occurred when the customer installed Python 2.7, so that the Delphi program
is being directed to Python 2.7.


However, I do not see this option when I install Python 2.7, and I do not
see how to remove this option so I can advise the customer what to do.  The
programs are running under Windows 7 - 32-bit.   Any assistance gratefully


Best regards


Errol Anderson



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