to be pythonic: should caller or callee log?

Gildor Oronar gildororonar at
Wed Sep 4 03:44:27 EDT 2013


El 04/09/13 05:01, Terry Reedy escribió:

> I would expect that every account class has a transaction method.
> * If so, just call it, but
> assertIsNot(DebitAccount.transaction, AbstractAccount.transaction)
> for every subclass in your test suite.
> * If not, perhaps you need an abstract subclass TransAccount. Then use
> hasattr in production code and the isnot test in test code.

I would assume that you categorize this as a unit test problem, because 
you consider an Acount not implementing Transaction is a bug, right?

There are two occassions an account is intended not having Transaction 
function, both not test-related:

1. The acount doesn't offer this feature. e.g. Certificate of Deposit. 
This can be in TransAccount.

2. The 3rd-party account offer this feature but doesn't qualify the 
software's requirement, e.g. not returning the result in 3 seconds, and 
is avoided when planning the deal (I am writing an auto-trade software). 
This case you cannot categorize those who can into TransAccount, 
beacause 1) that naming imply other accounts don't do transaction but 
they do, just not good enough; 2) when other accounts becomes good 
enough, the change (to inheritance) is a bit too invasive.

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