Functional Programming and python

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Mon Sep 30 16:37:46 EDT 2013

Op 30-09-13 20:55, Piet van Oostrum schreef:
> Franck Ditter <nobody at> writes:
>> Good approach of FP in Python, but two points make me crazy :
>> 1. Tail recursion is not optimized. We are in 2013, why ? This is known technology (since 1960).
>> And don't answer with "good programmers don't use recursion", this is bullshit.
> Tail recursion optimization throws away valuable stack trace information in case of an error.

This is hardly relevant. Because what are we told to use instead of
tail calls? We are told to use loops. But when you use a loop the
stack trace doesn't contain the values of previous runs through
the loop.

So how valuable is that stack frame information when the proposed
alternative doesn't produces it either.

Antoon Pardon

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