Retrieving possible list for use in a subsequent INSERT

Nick the Gr33k nikos.gr33k at
Thu Oct 31 17:54:16 EDT 2013

Στις 31/10/2013 9:22 μμ, ο/η rurpy at έγραψε:
> You set the value of 'downloads' to a list:
>> 	downloads = []
>> 	if data:
>> 		for torrent in data:
>> 			downloads.append( torrent )
> and when you use 'downloads', use have:
>    INSERT INTO visitors (..., downloads) VALUES (..., %s), (..., downloads)
> If the 'downloads' column in table 'visitors' is a
> normal scalar value (text string or such) then perhaps
> you can't insert a value that is a list into it?  And
> that may be causing your problem?
> If that is in fact the problem (I am only guessing), you
> could convert 'downloads' to a single string for insertion
> into your database with something like,
>    downloads = ', '.join( downloads )

Hello rurpy! I haven't forget ypu still have to answer you i  the other 
thread for the big explanation you provided, i just didnt had the time yet!

Yes indeed by MySQL's time definition 'downloads' columns is set as:
'varchar(50) not null'

So we have 2 options as you said:

1. Alter the type of 'downloads' colums to soemthign that can hold a list

2. Alter the code to make list beceome an alltogether joined string.

		# find out if visitor had downloaded torrents in the past
		cur.execute('''SELECT torrent FROM files WHERE host = %s''', host )
		data = cur.fetchall()

		downloads = []
		if data:
			for torrent in data:
				downloads = ', '.join( downloads )
			downloads = None
		# add this visitor entry into database (host && downloads are unique)
		cur.execute('''INSERT INTO visitors (counterID, refs, host, city, 
useros, browser, visits, downloads) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 
%s)''', (cID, refs, host, city, useros, browser, visits, downloads) )

I can be seen here:

But this unfortunate;y do not produce proper results

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