Will Python 3.x ever become the actual standard?

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Oct 23 10:01:10 EDT 2013

On 23/10/2013 14:52, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>> Thankfully I am.  I confess I don't understand how *nix people endure having
>> to compile code instead of having a binary install.  To me it's like going
>> to the garage to buy a new car, being shown the parts and the tool kit and
>> being told to get on with it.  Perhaps it's a case of second class treatment
>> for users of a second class OS?  Ducks and runs for cover :)
> And we can't understand how you can put up without source. :-) Also,
> Unix isn't one platform like Windows, ABI incompatibility and all.
> Really, for most things these days it's just
>     pip install foo

Disregarding Mark's tongue-in-cheek rhetoric for now... perhaps you
didn't realise that, on Windows, you can't pip install a binary (that's
a problem the new wheel format is solving). And, even if you have the
correct compiler toolchain, building more complex packages from source
can be daunting, essentially because of the lack of standard source
layout on Windows.


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