Parallel Python x.y.A and x.y.B installations on a single Windows machine

Jurko Gospodnetić jurko.gospodnetic at
Mon Nov 25 08:51:22 EST 2013


On 25.11.2013. 13:46, Ned Batchelder wrote:
> IIRC, Python itself doesn't read those registry entries, except when installing pre-compiled .msi or .exe kits.  Once you have Python installed, you can move the directory someplace else, then install another version of Python.
> If you need to use many different Pythons of the same version, this script helps manage the registry:

   Thank you for the information!

   As I mentioned in another reply, so far I think we can use this 
script to temporarily change the 'current installation' if needed for 
some external installer package to correctly recognize where to install 
its content.

   <bike-shedding>If we do use it, I'll most likely modify it to first 
make a backup copy of the original registry key and use that later on to 
restore the original registry state instead of reconstructing its 
content to what the script assumes it should be.</bike-shedding>

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić

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