Bug asking for input number

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Nov 15 21:37:41 EST 2013

On 11/15/2013 9:15 PM, Arturo B wrote:
> Hi! I hope you can help me.
> I'm writting a simple piece of code.
> I need to keep asking for a number until it has all this specifications:
> - It is a number
> - It's lenght is 3
> - The hundred's digit differs from the one's digit by at least two
> My problem is that I enter a valid number like: 123, 321, 159, 346... and it keeps asking for a valid number.

If you enter a 'valid' number at first try, it works fine.

> Here's mi code:
> res = input('Give me a number --> ')
> hundreds = int(res[0])
> ones = int(res[2])
> # checks if the user enters a valid number
> while not res.isdigit() or not len(res) == 3 or abs(hundreds - ones) <= 2:

Look at that last condition *carefully*!!!!

>      res = input('Enter a valid number --> ')

Terry Jan Reedy

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