pypy and ctypes

Peter Chant pete at
Thu Nov 14 18:05:16 EST 2013

On 11/14/2013 03:13 PM, Neil Cerutti wrote:
> On 2013-11-14, Peter Chant <pete at> wrote:
>> Or is it that - if I keep the code as simple as possible, PyPy
>> is about as fast as you can get?
> PyPy profiles your code as it runs and creates, using a
> just-in-time compiler, highly optimized versions of frequently
> run sections. You don't have to declare types or even think about
> it; The scheme will work best with code that runs for a
> significant amount of time.

That is the situation I'm in.  If it only ran for a second or two 
there'd be no point in worrying about speed. PyPy gave a massive speed 
up.  I was wonding if I could do a little more.

> cython allows you to declare types, and attempts to create more
> efficient code *at compile time* using those type declaration.
> Which approach will be better depends on how the code runs and
> how clever you are at using cython.

If it is marginal then I don't think the effort would be worth while.
I do wonder whether writing some specific functions in C using cffi
would benefit.  It is something I have no experience of.

> PyPy isn't designed to speed up programs that run for a few
> hundred milliseconds and then complete, though it might sometimes
> work for that.

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