How to tell an HTTP client to limit parallel connections?

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Fri Nov 8 16:02:01 EST 2013

On 2013-11-08, Nick Cash < at> wrote:

>>What I really need is an HTTP header or meta-tag or something that I
>>can use to tell clients to limit themselves to a single connection.
> I don't think such a thing exists...

Yea, that's pretty much the conclusion I had reached.

> but you may be able to solve this creatively:
> A) Set up a proxy server that multiplexes all of the connections into
>    a single one. A reverse proxy could even handle the SSL and alleviate
>    the load on the embedded server. Although it sounds like maybe this
>    isn't an option for you?

Indeed it isn't.  These "servers" are an embedded devices that are
installed on customer-owned networks where I can do nothing other than
what can be accopmplished by changes to the firmware on the server.

> B) Redesign the page it generates to need fewer requests (ideally,
>    only one): inline CSS/JS, data: url images, etc. It's not the
>    prettiest solution, but it could work.

That is something I might be able to do something about.  I could
probably add support to the server for some sort of server-side
include feature.  [or, I could pre-process the html files with
something like m4 before burning them into ROM.] That would take care
of the css and js nicely.  Inlining the images would take a little
more work, but should be possible as well.

I have vague memories of inline image data being poorly supported by
browswers, but that was probably many years ago...

Thanks for the suggestion!

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! ONE LIFE TO LIVE for
                                  at               ALL MY CHILDREN in ANOTHER
                                WORLD all THE DAYS OF
                                                   OUR LIVES.

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