OT: How to tell an HTTP client to limit parallel connections?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Nov 8 12:39:20 EST 2013

> What I really need is an HTTP header or meta-tag or something that I
> can use to tell clients to limit themselves to a single connection.
> I haven't been able to find such a thing, but I'm hoping I've
> overlooked something...

That will only go so far. Suppose you tell web browsers "no more than
3 connections", then get hit by 30 nearly simultaneous, but separate
clients. Then you still wind up allowing up to 90 connections.

There should be a parameter in your web server's config file to limit
the number of simultaneously active threads or processes. It's been a
long time for me, and you don't mention what brand of server you are
running, but ISTR that Apache has/had such parameters.

(Also, while this is off-topic for comp.lang.python, most people here
are a helpful bunch, and recognizing that it is off-topic, will want
to reply off-list. You don't give them that option with
"invalid at invalid.invalid" as an email address.)


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