To whoever hacked into my Database

ishish ishish at
Sat Nov 9 20:44:17 EST 2013

Am 09.11.2013 15:07, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
> Nikos, you have annoyed and alienated enough people here...

Sorry, I DO NOT AGREE! These threads keep my entire office entertained. 
I would even go so far to suggest, that we should set up an entirely new 
mailing list for Nikos only, maybe something called like 

Mea culpa, I am entirely aware that this is an IT list, but hey, when 
you have done 2x65ish hrs per week in a row - standing in for our Ops 
Guy, holidaying - you really start to appreciating little interruptions 
like this...

Greekings ...oops, meant greetings from Tartan-Land,


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