Help me with this code PLEASE

Nick the Gr33k nikos.gr33k at
Tue Nov 5 20:14:28 EST 2013

Στις 6/11/2013 12:54 πμ, ο/η John Gordon έγραψε:
>> The code i provided only worked once before it failed and managed to
>> store this:
>> counterID,host,refs,city,userOS,browser,visits,hits,download
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1,, Europe/Athens, Windows, Chrome,
>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00, 1, ''
> You've got a data inconsistancy here.  You give nine column names, but
> only eight values.  It's impossible to tell which value belongs to which
> column.  Which value is missing?

Yes, you have a point but thats why because 'refs' was an empty string 
for some reason and i have should have made this clear by putting a '' 
like i did with the 'downloads' at the end.

So it is not a matter of inconsistency.
Its weird though why it was stored this way, refs and downloads that is 
as an empty strings.

How, do i i proceed?

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