Output is not coming with defined color

Avnesh Shakya avnesh.nitk at gmail.com
Wed May 29 07:14:57 EDT 2013

   I am trying to display my output with different colour on terminal, but it's
coming with that colour code.
Please help me how is it possible?

my code is - 
from fabric.colors import green, red, blue
def colorr():
    a = red('This is red')
    b = green('This is green')
    c = blue('This is blue')
    d = {a, b, c}
    print d

output - 
set(['\x1b[32mThis is green\x1b[0m', '\x1b[34mThis is blue\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31mThis is red\x1b[0m'])


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