How to find bad row with db api executemany()?

Roy Smith roy at
Sat Mar 30 10:19:24 EDT 2013

In article <mailman.3988.1364617294.2939.python-list at>,
 Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:

> SSDs that lie about fsync (and some hard disks lie too, as do some
> operating systems and some file system drivers, but - under Linux at
> least - it's possible to guarantee the OS and FS parts) can violate
> both halves. Anything might have been written, anything might have
> been missed. I did some tests with PostgreSQL on an SSD, and the
> results were seriously scary.

What you say is true, but then again, it's true of other things too.  
We're running in a completely virtual environment.  Our "real" disk 
storage is EBS.  Somewhere out on the network there's something which 
pretends to be a disk.  Does "written" really mean "the bits have been 
committed to a piece of physical spinning iron oxide"?  I have no clue.

But, this conversation is getting very far away from Python.

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