Trelby (was: Any other screenwriters?)

W. Martin Borgert debacle at
Sat Mar 9 04:42:08 EST 2013

On 2013-03-08 13:07, Rick Dooling wrote:
> However, most of these programs are "apps" with closed GUIs, and of course I'm looking for a way to do the same thing with Python and call it from the command-line or from within Vim

You should consider taking a look at Trelby. It is free software
(GPL2) and written in Python. While it is a GUI program, you can
import (txt, fdx, celtx, astx, fountain, fadein) and export (pdf,
rtf, fdx, html, foutain, txt), so using vi for editing should
just work. I have no practical experience with the program,
however. If you try it, you should probably take a snapshot from
github, not the latest release 2.2, because it seems, they fixed
some installation issues. While I have no experience in
screenwriting yet, the program seems to run fine for me on
Debian Linux. Find Trelby here:

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