Re: draw a line if the color of points of beginning and end are différent from white

F.R. anthra.norell at
Wed Mar 6 15:57:24 EST 2013

On 03/06/2013 06:46 PM, olsr.kamal at wrote:
> how can i draw a line if the point of the begining and the end if those points  are différent from the white
> in other exepretion how can i get the color of two points of the begining and the end?????
> please help me!!!!

This should get you going. If it doesn't work it will
still direct you to the relevant chapters in the tutorial.


def draw_line (image):

     # image is a PIL Image ( <class Image.Image at ...> )

     # Define your colors
     WHITE = ~0  # Probably white for all modes.
     LINE_COLOR = 0  # define

     # Find end points
     points = []
     pixels = image.load () # Fast pixel access
     for y in range (image.size [1]):
         for x in range (image.size [0]):
             if pixels [x, y] != WHITE
                 points.append ((x, y))

     # Join end points
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw (image)
     draw.line (points, fill = LINE_COLOR)

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