In win32 and linux platform, os modules has diffreent output order, is it a bug?

Honghe Wu leopardsaga at
Fri Mar 1 03:43:20 EST 2013

env: python 2.7.3

6 test files' name in a directory as below:
12ab  Abc  Eab  a1bc  acd  bc

the following is test code:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
    print files

the output in win32 platform is:
['12ab', 'a1bc', 'Abc', 'acd', 'bc', 'Eab']

but in linux is:
['Eab', 'acd', 'a1bc', '12ab', 'bc', 'Abc' ]

they are so different. a bug?

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