using 3rd party dll in python - (0/1)

Mark R Rivet markrrivet at
Tue Jun 25 20:49:10 EDT 2013

I would like to use the Gen3.dll functions from python. I understand
that I can use ctypes to load the dll. I have been able to load the
dll but cannot make any sense of how to use it once I have it loaded.
I have been trying to understand the ctypes tutorial but I just can't
wrap my head around it. I have attached a zip file of everything I
have about the dll, including the Gen3.dll. Can someone point me in
the right direction. My hopes are that I can automate the functions to
provide a test program. The Gen3.dll communicates to a piece of
hardware over a USB cable. Its mainly for setting voltages and loads
and reading results.

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