Python development tools

Roy Smith roy at
Sun Jun 23 20:22:21 EDT 2013

In article <ba5cbbcc-ff44-467d-91b6-108573da5dda at>,
 rurpy at wrote:

> Other things like finding all uses of various objects/functions
> etc would also be useful now and then but I suppose that is a 
> common IDE capability?

$ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep my_function_name

seems to work for me.  I suppose a language-aware grep would be even 
better, because then it wouldn't find my_function_name when it's 
embedded in docstrings, comments, and the like.

On the other hand, you probably want to find those too.  If you refactor 
the name and don't find those, you end up with broken docstrings and 
broken comments.

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