Default Value

Rotwang sg552 at
Fri Jun 21 22:01:35 EDT 2013

On 22/06/2013 02:15, Rick Johnson wrote:
> On Friday, June 21, 2013 6:40:51 PM UTC-5, Rotwang wrote:
>> On 21/06/2013 19:26, Rick Johnson wrote:
>> [...]
>> I didn't ask what alternative methods of handling default
>> argument binding exist (I can think of several, but none
>> of them strikes me as preferable to how Python currently
>> does it). I asked what would happen in /your/ version of
>> Python. Which of the alternatives that you present would
>> have been implemented, if you had designed the language?
> The apathetic approach. However, you fail to understand that
> whilst Python's current implementation is partly apathetic,
> is is also benevolent, and malevolent simultaneously. My
> approach is purely apathetic. I'll explain later. Stay
> tuned.


>> [...]
>> So how does the interpreter know whether an arbitrary
>> object passed as a default value is mutable or not? Not
>> that it really matters.
> Well i'm glad it does not matter to you because it does not
> matter to me either. *shrugs*
>>> Let's imagine for a second if Python allowed mutable keys in
>>> a dictionary,
>> which it does
> Am i just to take your word for this? You cannot provide an
> example?

Of course I can:

 >>> class hashablelist(list):
...     def __hash__(self):
...         return hash(tuple(self))
 >>> x = hashablelist(range(4))
 >>> x
[0, 1, 2, 3]
 >>> # Let's try using x as a dict key:
 >>> d = {x: 'Hello'}
 >>> d[x]
 >>> # Let's try mutating it:
 >>> x.append(4)
 >>> x
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

> Here, allow me to "break the ice":
>      # Literal
>      py> d = {[1]:2}
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
>          d = {[1]:2}
>      TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
>      # Symbol
>      py> lst = [1]
>      py> d = {lst:2}
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
>          d = {lst:2}
>      TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
> Hmm, maybe only certain mutables work?

Try reading the tracebacks. Notice how they don't say anything about 

> Great, more esoteric
> rules! Feel free to enlighten me since i'm not going to
> waste one second of my time pursuing the docs just to learn
> about ANOTHER unintuitive PyWart i have no use for.

Sure. In order to be used as a dictionary key a Python has to be 
hashable. That means its type has to define a __hash__ method, which is 
called by the builtin function hash. The __hash__ method should return 
an int, and objects that compare equal should have the same hash.

>> Now, I don't really believe that you think that the user
>> shouldn't be protected from doing one idiotic thing with
>> mutable dict keys but should be protected from doing
>> another idiotic thing with mutable default arguments,
>> especially as you've already been given a use case for the
>> latter. So I assume that The Benevolent Approach is not
>> the approach you would have gone for if you had designed
>> the language, right? If so then let's ignore it.
> You are correct. Finally, we can agree on something.
>>> ============================================================
>>>    The Apathetic Approach:
>>> ============================================================
>>> I could just assume that a programmer is responsible for the
>>> code he writes. If he passes mutables into a function as
>>> default arguments, and then mutates the mutable later, too
>>> bad, he'll understand the value of writing solid code after
>>> a few trips to exception Hell.
>> It seems to me that this is exactly what currently happens.
> (is this lazy readers day? I swear i explained this earlier)
> And here is where you are wrong. In the current implementation
> python functions carry the state of mutable default arguments
> between successive calls. That's a flaw.

But your description of The Apathetic Approach doesn't say anything 
about functions carrying the state of mutable default arguments, or 
otherwise. How am I supposed to know how your proposed approach treats 
mutable defaults if you don't tell me, even after I explicitly ask?

> Observe:
>      py> def foo(arg=[]):
>      ...     arg.append(1)
>      ...     print(arg)
>      ...
>      py> foo()
>      [1]
>      py> foo()
>      [1, 1]
>      py> foo()
>      [1, 1, 1]

Yes, I am well aware of how Python currently treats mutable default 

> No, no, NO! That's wrong! Subroutines should be stateless.
> That means that an empty mutable default argument will
> ALWAYS be empty at each call of the subroutine.  This is
> what should happen:
>      py> def foo(arg=[]):
>      ...     arg.append(1)
>      ...     print(arg)
>      ...
>      py> foo()
>      [1]
>      py> foo()
>      [1]
>      py> foo()
>      [1]
> Yes, Yes, YES! That is intuitive! That is sane! Now, what if
> we pass a reference to a mutable object? What then. Well, let's
> see:
>      py> lst = range(5)
>      py> lst
>      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>      py> def foo(arg=lst):
>      ...     arg.append(1)
>      ...     print(arg)
>      ...
>      py> foo()
>      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1]
>      py> foo()
>      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1]
> That's fine. Because the object was already created OUTSIDE
> the subroutine. So therefore, modifications to the mutable
> are not breaking the fundamental of statelessness INSIDE
> subroutines. The modification is merely a side effect, and
> the subroutine is unconcerned with anything that exists
> beyond it's own scope.

No, I don't. These two special cases are not sufficient for me to 
determine what semantics you are proposing for the general case. For 
example, what happens in the second example if lst is rebound? Does the 
default stay the same or does it change to the new value of lst? What 
about if you pass a call as a default argument, and then subsequently 
change the behaviour of the callable? Does the argument get re-evaluated 
every time foo() is called, or is the argument guaranteed to be the same 
every time? If the latter, what happens if the arguments type is 
modified (e.g. by changing one of its class attributes)? What about 
defining functions dynamically, with default arguments that are only 
known at runtime? Is there any way to avoid the second type of behaviour 
in this case? If so, how? If not, isn't that likely to prove at least as 
big a gotcha to people who don't know the rules of RickPy as the problem 
you're trying to solve?

>>> ============================================================
>>>    The Malevolent Approach (disguised as beneva-loon-icy):
>>> ============================================================
>>> I could use early binding to confuse the hell out of him and
>>> enjoy the laughs with all my ivory tower buddies as he falls
>>> into fits of confusion and rage. Then enjoy again when he
>>> reads the docs. Ahh, the gift that just keeps on giving!
>> My question was about how you think the language should
>> work, not about what your buddies should or shouldn't
>> enjoy.
> My buddies? This design flaw is NOT my brain child. Your
> barking up the wrong tree pal.

But I didn't ask about Python's current approach, which I already 
understand quite well. I was asking about what your approach would be. 
If this is not your brainchild then why were you telling me about it?

>> In terms of how a language actually works, is there
>> any difference between The Malevolent Approach and The
>> Apathetic Approach? And is there any difference between
>> either of them and what Python currently does?
> I explained this to MRAB already.

But you haven't said how you test an object for mutability.

>> Of course using a mutable default as a cache can be
>> reproduced by other means, as can another common use case
>> that I don't think anyone's mentioned yet (defining
>> functions parametrised by variables whose values aren't
>> known until runtime). That's hardly an argument against it
>> - you might as well argue that Python shouldn't have
>> decorators, or that it shouldn't have for loops because
>> their behaviour can be reproduced with while loops.
> Nice attempt at sleight of hand but your logic is clumsy.
> Your trying to argue that my use of a "custom callable state
> object" (to avoid the esoteric and unintuitive nature of the
> current implementation of Python "mutable function
> arguments") is somehow only a mere reproduction of the
> function behavior and has no positive benefits, when in
> fact, it has a HUGE direct benefit:

But it doesn't avoid a flaw in the language, unless you get rid of 
function defaults altogether. As long as functions can have default 
arguments, people are going to try passing mutable ones. Avoiding the 
alleged "flaw" in the language means proposing a different semantics for 
when they do, not just explaining how the current behaviour can be 
reproduced in other ways (which nobody AFAICR has denied).

> It also has quite a few positive side effects:
> How much more justification do you need?

I don't need more justification, I just need you to tell me 
unambiguously what alternative behaviour you're proposing. I can't 
really compare the pros and cons of the two approaches if I only know 
one of them.

>> or that it shouldn't have for loops because their
>> behaviour can be reproduced with while loops.
> Yes, iterating a sequence can be achieved using a "while
> loop", but "for loops" should not be thrown out because they
> offer a specific type of iteration that nicely complements a
> while loop. Plus, for loops do not have any strange side
> effects (unlike Python functions).

They exhaust iterators. Whether that is considered "strange" depends on 
who is doing the considering (Python's default binding behaviour doesn't 
seem strange to most people who are familiar with its data model).

> They do one thing and
> they do damn well! So stop picking on for loops :-)
> I want Python functions to also "do one thing and do it
> well", and what is that "one thing" you ask, execute
> subprograms.
>> But this is beside the point anyway, until you present an
>> alternative to Python's current behavior. If you do so
>> then we can start debating the relative merits of the two
>> approaches.
> The fix is simple. No more "magical Python functions", only
> stateless routines.

So no generators, then?

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